

州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的外科医生切除了一个16磅重的肿瘤, 以及邻近的器官和血管, 来自帕斯腹部. 病理学家在组织边缘未发现癌细胞, a desired outcome.州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的外科医生切除了一个16磅重的肿瘤, 以及邻近的器官和血管, 从AJ 通过的腹部取出. 病理学家在组织边缘未发现癌细胞, 期望的结果被称为“负利润率”."




AJ 通过对他的外科医生很有信心. 他也知道他可能会死.

They had been straight with him: A proportion of patients who would undergo a surgery like he needed would not survive the operation.


前一周, 通过, 36, was running an information technology company from his home in the Tioga County village of Owego, 在他妻子旁边, 谁在家里做营销协调员的工作, 太. 现在,这对夫妇面临着许多令人担忧的决定.

不过,他们对帕斯的医生很有把握: 马沙尔·迪尔,医学博士, Gennady Bratslavsky, MD.

帕斯喜欢在他位于泰奥加县的家附近骑马. (图片来源:Robert Mescavage)通过 enjoys trail riding near his home in Owego, about 18 miles west of Binghamton. (图片来源:Robert Mescavage)

“I felt like they truly loved me and cared about me in such a short period of time. Dr. Dhir had a way about him that was so gentle and calm,” 通过说. “当我回首往事时,我非常感激. 布拉茨拉夫斯基没有吓到我.”

通过’ medical crisis began as a weird abdominal pain that would only bother him in the morning. It 左 him alone the rest of the day, but it was back the next morning. 他的妻子米歇尔让他寻求治疗. 他怀疑是不是疝气.

The nurse practitioner 通过 saw at Lourdes Hospital in nearby Binghamton sent him for a medical imaging scan. The results showed that 通过 had what appeared to be a softball-sized cyst in the vicinity of his liver.

第二天早上,他约好去见迪尔, a surgical oncologist and chief of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 更多的检查帮助确定这不是肝囊肿. 质量, 起源于他的肾上腺, 靠近他的心脏并延伸到下腔静脉, 静脉:体内最大的静脉, 哪一种能使血液回流到心脏. At its widest point, the mass was 15 centimeters, or about 6 inches. 手术, Dhir told him, was the most effective treatment for such a mass.

在他与迪尔会面之后, 帕斯接到布拉茨拉夫斯基的电话, 谁是上州泌尿科的主任.


Because the mass was growing so quickly and getting so close to 通过’ heart, Bratslavsky explained that “this was one of those rare scenarios where I felt we needed to proceed with surgery as soon as possible.”

帕斯说布拉茨拉夫斯基很快让他放松下来. “他非常有信心,他能够进去解决这个问题.“帕斯从不觉得不舒服. He says he felt great the morning in April 2019 when he walked into 上州立大学医院 in downtown Syracuse for the surgery, 会持续12个小时.

布拉茨拉夫斯基和迪尔与一位胸外科医生合作 马克·克雷博士和移植外科医生 劳夫·沙赫巴佐夫,医学博士他擅长肝脏手术.

移植外科医生Rauf Shahbazov,医学博士移植外科医生Rauf Shahbazov,医学博士

The tumor started in the adrenal gland at the top of 通过’ right kidney. 腺体和器官必须被切除, 还有他一半的肝脏, 他一半的横膈膜和腔静脉, 静脉:体内最大的静脉. And they had to be removed simultaneously, rather than sequentially.

布拉茨拉夫斯基解释说:“我们会把这样的人群整体移除。. “所有的东西都在一起. We make all the necessary maneuvers to be able to remove this mass with adjacent organs and vessels as one.” This requires a coordinated team, it helps ensure that no stray tumor cells are 左 behind.

In 通过’ case, he had what surgeons triumphantly call “negative margins.” Pathologists found no cancer cells at the edges of the tissue that was removed.

The tumor weighed about 16 pounds and had grown to within a centimeter — two-fifths of an inch — of 通过’ heart. Doctors originally feared it might be an aggressive type of adrenal cancer. 这个肿瘤原来是尤因氏肉瘤, a rare and aggressive cancer that often occurs in and around the bones, 在儿童. It’s almost unheard of to arise in the adrenal gland of an adult.

因为这种肿瘤非常罕见, “对于它们的生长速度,我们真的没有很好的了解, no understanding of its natural history and very little information on diagnosis and treatment,布拉茨拉夫斯基说.

通过’ operation was complicated when his blood pressure dropped and his heart slowed. It did not stop beating, but Bratslavsky had to use his hand to pump 通过’ heart adequately. 他称赞心脏外科医生阿基尔·桑德胡(Aqeel Sandhu)的快速干预, MD, who placed the patient on a cardiac bypass machine after the direct heart massage.

“我来这里是因为. 布拉茨拉夫斯基没有放弃,”帕斯说.

胸外科医生Mark Crye博士胸外科医生Mark Crye博士

His 左 kidney stopped functioning — something Bratslavsky says may happen during big surgeries.


通过 remembers receiving anesthesia at the beginning and feeling comfortable surrounded by darkness. 一度, 通过说, “it felt like I fell through the bed and was just going through outer space at a million miles an hour.

我感觉到风,我感到冷. 感觉像是过了很久. A white light was coming up from behind my back, getting brighter and brighter.

“I eventually hit what felt like a net, slowly I slowed down. 手的感觉, 或者一个力, 把我送回了太空, 有人告诉我,我的时代还没有结束,他谈到自己的经历时说.

手术后,帕斯昏迷了六天. A team of urologists from Bratslavsky’s department helped manage his recovery. 24天后,他恢复了健康,可以回家了. 在他的躯干上有一个看起来像梅赛德斯标志的疤痕.

One month to the day after 通过 traveled to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 for surgery, he was back in Syracuse. 这次他在汉考克国际机场, 他在那里登上了飞往夏洛特的航班, 北卡罗莱纳. 他妹妹要结婚了,他得去. Bratslavsky — not wanting his patient to endure an 11- to 12-hour car ride each way — opened his own pocket and surprised 通过 with airfare.

因为已知尤因氏肉瘤会复发, 通过 now undergoes scans of his body every three months as a precaution.

He credits positron emission tomography, or PET scan, with finding a papillary thyroid carcinoma. Dhir operated again, to remove 通过’ thyroid gland, in June of 2020.

Then in October 2020, another scan revealed a spot in his 左 lung. His 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 team recommended he see a specialist, so 通过 traveled to the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. 他的一部分肺被切除了, pathologists confirmed that the nodule was comprised of Ewing’s sarcoma cells.

通过 returned to Central New York with what he describes as a “pretty good prognosis” and plans to undergo chemotherapy with medical oncologist 拉胡尔·塞斯,医学博士. As he prepares himself for more treatment, 通过 reflects on how grateful he is for his surgical team. “他们救了我的命.”

马沙尔·迪尔(Mashaal Dhir)是照顾帕斯的医生之一, MD, 左, a surgical oncologist and chief of surgical oncology for hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, Gennady Bratslavsky, MD, 泌尿外科主席.马沙尔·迪尔(Mashaal Dhir)是照顾帕斯的推荐最近最火的赌博软件医生之一, MD, 左, a surgical oncologist and chief of surgical oncology for hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, Gennady Bratslavsky, MD, 泌尿外科主席.


这篇文章发表在2021年夏季号 癌症治疗 杂志.

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