

It is no longer necessary to live with issues once considered to be a normal part of aging, which can negatively impact a woman's quality of life. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 女性的泌尿学 offers the most advanced and innovative treatments and minimally invasive procedures for a wide range of women's pelvic health and urologic concerns, 包括:

  • 血尿: Blood in the urine seen with the naked eye or on testing of the urine at your doctor's office. 了解更多...
  • 神经性膀胱功能障碍: when the bladder does not function properly in a person with a known problem with their nervous system. Nervous system disorders may include spinal cord injuries, 中风, 多发性硬化症, and advanced diabetes, 在别人.
  • 膀胱过动症: the need to urinate frequently and urgently, with or without leakage of urine. This may also be associated with waking up frequently at night to urinate. 读博士. Elizabeth Ferry's article on Treating Overactive Bladder which appears in In Good Health.
  • 骨盆损伤: injury may be caused in the pelvis either following an accident, trauma, or during surgery. Depending on the type of injury and healing, you may experience difficulty emptying your bladder, or continuous leaking of urine.
  • Pelvic organ prolapse: also known as "dropped bladder," prolapse is a drop of any of the pelvic organs onto the vagina. Symptoms may include pelvic or vaginal pressure or a "dragging" sensation, feeling a bulge in the vagina, or difficulty emptying your bladder or bowels. 了解更多...
  • 骨盆疼痛: pressure or burning in the bladder that may be accompanied by urinary frequency or burning with urination. This commonly feels as though you have a urinary tract infection, but the urine culture does not show infection. If these symptoms continue for more than 6 weeks, other treatments may be offered.
  • Recurrent urinary tract infection: Bladder infections that occur more frequently than three times per year may need further evaluation and testing. 了解更多...
  • Urethral diverticulum: a small outpouching of the urine channel, symptoms of a diverticulum may include dribbling of urine, burning with urination, pain with intercourse, or recurrent urinary tract infections. This condition may be detected on pelvic exam, and typically confirmed with an MRI. 
  • 尿瘘: A fistula is an abnormal connection between two organs. A vesicovaginal fistula connects an organ in the urinary tract (usually the bladder) with the vagina. A ureterovaginal fistula connects the ureter and vagina. 了解更多...
  • Urinary incontinence: Involuntary loss of urine. Sometimes called "accidents" or "leaking" urine. 了解更多...
  • 尿路梗阻: sometimes the bladder has difficulty emptying due to something blocking the urine channel. The blockage may be due to scar tissue, and abnormal growth, or prior surgery. Your doctor may need to look in your bladder with a small camera to diagnose this condition.
  • Vaginal mesh complications: mesh may be placed during surgery through the vaginal wall to repair a dropped bladder or for urinary leakage associated with laughing, 咳嗽, 或打喷嚏. This mesh may become infected, cause pain or bleeding, or move away from where it should be, causing problems with your bladder or bowels. In these cases, the mesh may need to be removed and any damage repaired. 
  • 排尿功能障碍: In order for your bladder to empty, the muscles in the urine channel and pelvic floor first need to relax. 有些人, these muscles and the bladder do not communicate well, and the muscles do not relax, making it difficult for the bladder to empty. This may cause urinary urgency, frequency, recurrent urinary tract infections, or pelvic pain.

State-of-the-art diagnostic procedures available in the office, along with the expertise of our staff and providers, will help the team develop an individualized plan to resolve your urologic issues.